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Romantic thief will steal your heart and Apple Watch - Cult of Mac

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Apple Watch Time-Lapse You'd better Watch out!Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Mac

We're used to hearing about iPhone thefts to the point that one method for measuring interest in Apple launches is to see whether or not there's an appropriately-timed spike in muggings around launch day.

But with the Apple Watch still finding its way in the world, we haven't yet heard too many stories about thefts of Apple's debut wearable device. Until now, that is!

Taking place in London's trendy Shoreditch area in the U.K., the attempted theft saw a man, Zaki Outmoune, remove the Apple Watch from his victim's arm while kissing her. Plain clothes cops reportedly watched Outmoune pinch the Watch, then hide it under a cushion in the bar he was visiting at the same time as the victim — presumably planning to remove it later.

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said: "Police retrieved the watch and spoke with the victim to confirm the theft but she was too intoxicated to speak. The female victim who is in her 30s, was spoken to by police the following day. She gave an account of what happened, but refused to provide a statement."

Nonetheless, 26-year-old Outmoune was later arrested and charged with theft. He pled guilty this month and was fined £500 ($719), as well as being ordered to pay £350 ($503) costs plus a £50 ($72) victim surcharge.

The old distract-with-kisses, steal-their-Apple-Watch gambit, eh? It never works.

Source: Hackney Gazette


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