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Raoul tricks Shally into licking iPad on April Fool's Day 2011 - fox5sandiego.com

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Please enable Javascript to watch this video SAN DIEGO -- Back in 2011, FOX 5 anchor Raoul Martinez pulled an epic prank on co-anchor Shally Zomorodi that is still getting laughs five years later.

Martinez launched into a fake news story about a new iPad app that lets you smell and taste things right on your iPhone or iPad. He then brought up the app on his iPhone and showed Zomorodi how it worked. She was understandably skeptical, but a news assistant brought out an iPad with the app on it, and after some coaxing, Zomorodi gave it a sniff. She couldn't smell anything, but Martinez convinced her to give the iPad a lick.

Once her tongue hit the touchscreen, the app made a noise and the screen said "Happy April Fools' Day." Zomorodi, surprised and a bit embarassed, stomped off the set, but she quickly returned and put up with some ribbing from Martinez and weathercaster Brad Wills.


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