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The Cool Apple Watch News You Didn't Hear Last Week - Refinery29

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Compared to Apple's other announcements last Monday — a new, smaller iPhone and iPad! — the news about Apple Watch was somewhat underwhelming. Pretty, woven nylon bands; fresh colors for the Sport band; and a new Milanese loop are great, but they just can't compare to new hardware.

However, the company quietly released something else for the Apple Watch: a brand new interactive online gallery. The gallery makes it easier than ever to mix and match the different parts of the Watch (case, band, and face) to create a more personalized version that matches your style. Whether you go for the classic look of a stainless steel aluminum case with a blue jay modern buckle and chronograph face, or the more playful gold aluminum case with pink woven nylon and jellyfish motion face, the site lets you be the creator.

One downside: The gallery isn't an e-commerce page yet, so you can't directly purchase the Watch you've assembled. But, once you've seen your options, you can go to the r egular shopping page to buy the different parts.

Click through for a rainbow of the coolest Watch designs we created on the site, and then head there to create your own.

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